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Two races under our belts at Stayton this past Saturday. The course was real cross country: trails, up hill and down, stream crossings, single track. Not a course for fast times, but a 3K opportunity for the JV runners. Congrats all.
This coming Saturday is our first local XC meet at Caldera HS. We will be running against most of the Central Oregon schools. Do not plan to wear your spikes on this rocky course plus sidewalks at Caldera HS and Alpen Glow Park. There will be no bus transportation, so ask your parents or friends for rides. Please arrive by 9am. Coaches will need help putting up the team tent. First race is the JV Girls 5K at 10:00am. The meet ends with Awards at 1pm. More details coming soon.
*Don’t forget to schedule after school appointments on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Monday and Wednesday are our our interval workouts and we need you all there for training.
September 11- Monday- 4:00pm– MtV XC Tree. We will head to Pine Nursery Park for a warm up, drills and workout around the row of pine trees near the canal. Put your water bottles in the back of Carol’s truck. A longer interval session is planned. There will be two workouts, so check the red notebook and run your paces with your assigned groups. Please record times in the red notebook. We are working on strength and pace. Times are based on your current race pace. If the workouts seem too easy, perhaps you are not yet racing hard enough. Getting into race shape takes awhile, so be patient and keep working hard.
*Monday- 6:00pm-Parent meeting inside Mountain View HS. Room will be announced. If you cannot attend the meeting Carol will summarize the adgenda after the meeting. We will introduce coaches and review the season. Questions are welcome.
September 12- Tuesday-4:00pm– MtV XC Tree. Overall an easy day with a run and right into the weight room as soon as you are done running.
September 13- Wednesday- 2:30pm– Right after school early release- MtV XC Tree. We will head to Mountain View Park for drills, strides, an interval session and cool down back to school for some core and stretching. Please bring your water bottles and put them in the back of Carol’s truck for transport to the park.
September 14- Thursday- 4:00pm- MtV XC Tree. After drills we will go for an easy run and then head to the weight room. After the weight room we will do some core and stretching.
September 15- Friday- 4:00pm- MtV XC Tree. After warmup and drills we head out for an easy run. After the run head out to the track for 2 – 4 x 150m pick ups. Please work on changing gears every 50 meters.
*5:30 pm– Team Pasta Dinner– hosted by the Shockey family. The dinner will be held at 63591 OB Riley Road. We will send a reminder later in the week. Thanks to our hosts!
Frosh: salads, Soph: dessert, Juniors (A-L): bread, Seniors and Jr (M-Z): drinks.
September 16- Saturday- 9:00am or before arrive at Caldera HS- 60925 SE 15th Street. You can park on the west side of the school or on Caldera Drive. Do not park near the road crossing from Caldera into Alpen Glow Park. Expect the gates on the east side of the HS off 15th Street to be locked.
Races: JV Girls 5K- 10:00am, JV Boys 5K- 10:45am, V Girls 5K- 11:30am, V Boys 5K- 12:15pm, Awards – 1:00pm- to the top 10 in each race. Trophies will be presented to the top V and JV teams in each race. There will be a trainer on campus on Saturday. There will be water and bars for the athletes at the end of the races. Please remember coaches will need help putting up and taking down the team tent.
September 17- Sunday- Rest up, rehydrate, refuel, roll and stretch and get out for an easy run, walk the dog, bike, hike. And don’t forget your homework!
Reminders: Team- don’t forget your “Cougar Pals” gift for Saturday.
MtV Trainer has office hours at the school: M – Thurs, 2:30 -7:30pm.
First race under our belts: Yeah! Hope all enjoyed the road trip. We went through the fringes of a large forest fire over and back and glimpses of rain and one short intense downpour on the way back. Hope you enjoyed the Splash waterpark. We competed well, so congrats to all. Some athletes will move up
to Varsity for the next race and others to Junior Varsity and run a 3K distance.
Training and racing will continue now in a more regular pattern. This week you will get to mix in “back-to-school.” 🙂 We will meet after school at 4pm. So when the bell rings, you all have 15 minutes to change and meet outside at the Cross Country tree. Your gear has been ok sitting under the tree while we go run. If you have a musical instrument, Carol can store in the truck. Coaches will
continue to watch the AQI index each day before practice to monitor the air quality.
September 5- Tuesday- 4:00pm- Mountain View HS XC tree. Your parents can pick you up out back of the school near the Track/Football Stadium after workout. We will be done approx. 5:30- 5:45pm on Tuesday. Team will run to warm-up to Mountain View Park on Connors. A longer interval session is
planned. Please remember your water bottle and put it in the bin in the back of Carol’s truck when you arrive at practice. Once we get to Mountain View Park we will do drills and strides.The longer workout will develop your strength. All will need a watch to time your intervals (some supplied), as we are working on pace as well. The famous red notebook will appear- your goal pace and workout
group is listed. You are required to record your times for each interval. Goal times are based on last weeks race times. When we finish, we will run back to the school and do some stretching and rehydrating.
September 6- Wednesday- 4:00pm- Mountain View HS XC Tree. Overall easy, recovery day. We will do our drills, running, and in the weight room or outside with med balls and stretching.
September 7- Thursday- 4:00pm– MtV HS XC Tree. Plan on a medium-hard workout to continue working on race pace after our drills and warmup run.
September 8- Friday- 4:00pm– MtV HS XC Tree. After warmup and drills we will go for and easy run.
*5:30pm- Team Pasta Dinner– hosted by the Mills and Kruse families. The dinner will be held at the picnic shelter at Pine Nursery Park. We will remind again later in the week. Thanks to our hosts.
Food assignments: Frosh: dessert, Soph: bread, Juniors (A-L): drinks, Seniors & Juniors (M-Z): salad.
September 9- Saturday: Stayton Cross Country Invite, 1021 Shaff Rd SE: 6:00am load bus in front of MtV High School. Bus departs 6:15am sharp! Races: 10:00am -JV Girls 3K, 10:30am – JV Boys 3K, 11:00am- V Girls 5K, 11:30am- V Boys 5K. A grocery store stop is planned after the meet. Bus should return to the school at 4:00pm.
September 10- Sunday: Rest up, rehydrate, refuel, roll and stretch and get out for an easy run, walk, bike, hike. And don’t forget your homework!
Reminders: Team don’t forget your “Cougar Pals” gifts. Plan to shop early in the week.
Race Schedule:
9:45am – JV Girls
10:30am – JV Boys
11:15am – Varsity Girls
12:00 noon – Varsity Boys
Travel Schedule:
5:30am: All athletes are loading the bus in front of Mountain View High School. Please check
in with a captain as you board the bus (we are checking attendance)!
5:45am: Bus departs MtV promptly at 5:45am.
8:45am: Bus to arrive at Marist High School and unload by the tennis courts.
Coaches will need help carrying team equipment from the bus.
9:45am: Girls JV are the first to race, so please focus on getting settled and warmed up as soon
as you arrive at Marist.
**All athletes are expected to cheer on their teammates.
** Get a good warm-up and cool-down run before and after your race.
No awards presented.
1:30pm: Depart Marist HS.
1:45pm – 3:15pm: Splash!, 1600 Thurston Road, Springfield (541-736-4244)
3:30pm: 15 minute stop at Albertons, 5755 Main Street, Springfield for food and drinks.
7:00pm: Arrive back at Mountain View HS. Please call your parents to remind for a pick up
at Mountain View as we drive through Sisters.
List to help you pack:
Please make sure you are all packed the night before and ready to go:
Uniform (singlets and shorts), running shoes and/or spikes, track pants, long-sleeve shirts, extra
warm clothes if needed, rain gear if needed, swim suit and towel, change of clothes, socks,
water and other drinks, food and snacks to last for the long day out, pillow and blanket for the
bus, sunscreen and anything else you need. Bring money if you need extra food or drinks at
Splash or the grocery store.
Questions??? Call or text head XC coach: Carol McLatchie, 541-788-1577 or SportsYou.
Parents are encouraged to attend the meet and cheer on the team.
****Students that do not travel back on school provided transportation, must provide a parent
note, text or SportsYou to Carol before leaving the event.
Results can be checked at later in the day. Go Cougs!
We have gotten a lot done this past week and now it is time to start racing. Yahoo! Uniforms have been checked out, but if you missed getting a uniform, see Carol at practice. We also need your shirt size for a team shirt the captains are designing.
Wednesday workout at Drake went very well. Good job, team! We will continue to train in the mornings, as this has been the best time for decent air quality.
This week is a double race week. This is probably the only time this will happen this year. Prepare for Tuesday’s race the night before. Get everything ready to go the night before. Race uniform, warm clothes, socks, race shoes, water bottle, snacks and more. Don’t forget cougar pal gifts if you are participating. If you have questions on this, don’t hesitate to ask a captain at practice.
August 29- Tuesday’s Race
***The meet is at Juniper Golf Course, 1938 SW Elkhorn Ave, Redmond. With no traffic and you know where you are going, the drive is 20 plus minutes. There is no bus. Athletes you need to find your own rides to and from the meet. You will need to leave home by 5:30am! Girls race at 7am and boys 7:30am. There are a lot of rules for this race, including no warm up on the golf course, staying off the greens etc. We have to be finished and off the golf course by 8:30am, so the golfers can start playing.
***The golf clubhouse is offering a breakfast burrito and orange juice package for $11 each athlete. We will use XC team funds to purchase breakfast for those that are interested. Please see Carol at practice as she needs a head count for those interested in breakfast.
***The team coaches have to time their own team’s athletes and there will be no team scores calculated. Mountain View will use this race as a “time trial” to select the varsity teams (top 7) for Saturday’s races at Marist HS. This race is an opportunity for the team to get a preview of the course used for the October 24 5A Inter Mountain Conference XC Champs.
***We hope you can get out on the cart paths on the course to cheer your teammates.
September 2 – Saturday’s Meet
Load the bus at 5:30am in front of MVHS, Bus departs MtV at 5:45am sharp for the Marist XC Invite, 1900 Kingsley Road, Eugene. All athletes must ride the bus provided by the school. Pack your bags the night before- singlets, shorts, warm clothes, pillow and blanket ok for the sleep to Eugene. Pack snacks, juices, waterbottle, swim suit, towel, socks, race shoes, plus money for a Safeway stop on the return to Bend…….
Races: JVG at 9:45am, JVB at 10:30am, VG at 11:15am and VB at 12:00noon. The JV girls will need to focus on getting warmed up for their 9:45am race. All athletes are expected to cheers their teammates as well as prepare for their own race. The race course is all over the Marist Campus and finishes on the track. Coaches will have course maps. Top 7 from Tuesday’s XC race results will be entered as Varsity. The rest will run the JV races.
**After the meet we will load the team bus and head to Splash! from 1:45-3:30pm.
The XC fund will pay for your entry to this Springfield pool and water park. Bring money for our 20 minute stop at Safeway to get food and drink for the ride back to Bend. We should arrive back in Bend by 6:45pm. Please call your parents to remind them of MVHS pickup as we travel back through Sisters.
If you need to ride home with your parents from the Marist meet, parents need to text Carol to let her know you are leaving or give her a written parent note. Thanks.
Workouts for the week
August 26/27- Saturday or Sunday- Please get out for a run. Meet a friend. Pick a new park and go explore. We need to continue to get in better shape.
Plan plenty of rest, good meals, and stay hydrated. Keep your eye on the AQI. If we get several days of unhealthy smoke, try to find a treadmill to run on. Options include: Juniper, Larkspur and Planet Fitness.
August 28- Monday- 8:30am- Mountain View High School- Plan is to get out for an easy run and finish with 4 strides. We always start with our team drills. Last chance for Uniform pick ups.
August 29- Tuesday- 6:00am- Juniper Golf Course XC Preview race. See all the info above.
August 30- Wednesday- 8:30am- Mountain View HS- drills and an easy run to Pine Nursery, strides plus team stretching.
August 31- Thursday- 8:30am- Drake Park- Warm up run, drills, hill workout, team stretching.
September 1- Friday- 8:30am- Mountain View HS- drills and an easy run to Pine Nursery, strides plus team stretching.
September 2- Saturday- 5:30am- Marist XC Invite race. See info above.
Sunday, September 3 & Monday, September 4 (Labor Day)- Enjoy your rest and the long weekend, but consider getting out for an easy run, walk, bike, hike, swim as we will be back to training on Tuesday. 🙂
*****See the SportsYou reminder on Spike Days at FootZone: August 25-28! Take advantage of their discounts and get a new pair of trainers or spikes if you need them.
*****Reminder: We will start timing our XC workouts. Please get a watch/chronograph. This does not have to be a big expense. Walmart, for example, has simple watches with timers, starting at $10. A watch is valuable to time your workouts, plan warmups, and make it to the race on time.
We will continue to ramp up the practice depending on your current fitness. For those that have had a
busy summer and not doing much running, you will be working on your base training to get ready for
the race season that coming up very soon (next week). Those of you that have been training are
probably ready to get out and race. Look down below to see information about trainer shoes and racing spikes on sale at Footzone.
We are also dealing with the smoke in our area. We cannot practice outside, if the AQI is over 150, so
that means that practice may get moved inside the high school at a moments notice, so always check
the SportsYou app before traveling to practice in case the location has changed.
Reminder: If you cannot make it to XC practice, you are required to contact head coach Carol before
practice begins on the app in order to be excused.
Right now: plan on traveling to all races on the MtV XC Calendar. It will be a busy, fun season.
Coaches are looking forward to working with you to help improve your fitness for our team races.
August 21- Monday– 8:30am- Mountain View HS- Monday looks to be a bad air day so please just
head into the school commons. We will double check the AQI and let you know the training plan for
the morning.
August 22- Tuesday– 8:30am- Mountain View HS- Lets meet in the commons and the training plan
will depend on the AQI.
August 23- Wednesday– 8:30am- Drake Park – meet near the central rest rooms- warm up run, drills,
hill workout, strides and stretching. Don’t forget your water bottle.
***Sunset Hike Night!!!– this is completely optional, and just a fun activity that you can participate in
if you are up for a hard hike. Coaches cannot organize carpooling, but the plan is to meet at the Black
Crater Trailhead at 6:00pm. Please communicate your questions to your captains. The trail is about 7
miles roundtrip. BRING water, snacks and a headlamp. We’ll plan on hiking (its steep in parts, so
be ready to sweat), but if you want to try and jog it, you can try. The plan is to be up there for the the
last 20-30 minutes of sunset, then hike down as soon as the sun sets at 7:58pm. It will take about an
hour to hike back down, so anticipate driving back from Sisters in the dark and getting back to Bend
around 10pm. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join. If parents don’t want to hike, but instead
head up to Dee Wright Observatory or just drive some of the pass, that is a great option as well.
August 24- Thursday– 8:30am- Mountain View HS- Easy run day- 20-40 minutes. Hopefully outside
if the smoke hides.
August 25- Friday- 8:30am- Shevlin Park- near the parking lot next to the pit toilets. Depending on
the AQI we will run a bit longer and add in 2 x 5 minute pick-ups during the run. We will add some
strides at the end and some cool down stretching.
Looking ahead: Our first race is August 29- Tuesday morning at Juniper Golf Course in Redmond.
Our second race is September 2- Saturday at Marist HS in Eugene. Please note this is the Labor Day
long weekend, but the team will be racing. More details to follow.
As Central Oregon’s only source for an expert fitting of running shoes and competition spikes in Central Oregon we want runners to be set up with the best equipment for a successful season.
During these days, all Cross Country athletes will receive 20% off competition spikes. We have a large stock in models from Nike, Brooks, New Balance and Saucony. All other equipment including training shoes will be 10% off for student athletes as a part of our year round discount to young runners. Additionally we have a sweet gift with every purchase from our vendors.
Please make your team and parents aware of FootZone Spike Days to take advantage of our great product and service at a discount.Best of Luck this season. Please let me know anything else we can do to support your team.
Thomas Morgan
Sunset Hike Night!! This is completely optional, and just a fun activity that encourages team bonding. Coaches can’t organize carpooling, but the plan is to meet at the Black Crater Trailhead at 6PM WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23. The trail is about 7 miles round trip.
BRING water, a snack and a headlamp.
We’ll plan on hiking (it’s steep in parts, so be ready to sweat). The plan is to be up there for the last 20-30min of sunset, then head back down as soon as the sun sets at 7:58pm. It will take about an hour to hike back down, so anticipate driving back from Sisters in the dark and getting back to Bend around 10pm. Parents are welcome and encouraged to join if they’d like. If they don’t want to hike, but instead head up to Dee Wright observatory or just drive some of the pass, that’s a great option as well.
If you are a photographer, this hike has some amazing views to get some good shots. If it is too smokey, we will cancel the hike so be on the look out for messages on SportsYou.
Welcome to the first official week of practice cougars! For those of you that have been showing up to the preseason summer practices, keep up the good work! Practices are now mandatory and we would love to see you come out to run with the team. Every week this blog will be updated to let you know where the practices are and what the workouts will be.
Always bring a water bottle to practice. If you are able, bring a watch to keep track of how long you are out on your runs.
If you are able, follow Mountain View Cross Country on Instagram at mv_xc. Sign up for SportsYou (the app) notificaions with the code 38LV-A436
August 14-Monday: Pine Nursery Park
First official day of XC practice. You must be “cleared” by the Athletic Office in
order to attend the official practices. Now that it is official XC season the team will meet 5 days a
week. Attendance will be taken. Practice locations will be announced on SportsYou as well. We will stick to
the mornings until school starts, but again, always check the updates on SportsYou and the blog.
Drills, jog to the straight row of pine trees, 3 person relay- 12 x 100m each person, cool down stretching. Coaches will
make a 100m course.
*** If you are not cleared, please get out and run on your own.
August 15-Tuesday: Mountain View High School, meet at the cross country tree
Drills and out for a 40-60 minute run- please consider Pine Nursery and get off the concrete sidewalks.
August 16-Wednesday: Drake Park
Drake Park- Run to warm up, drills, hill workout, team stretching.
August 17-Thursday: Mountain View High School, meet at the cross country tree
Drills and out for a 40 – 60 min run with 3 x 2 minute pickups (faster) in the middle of your run. Recommend going to Pine
Nursery to get off the concrete sidewalks.
August 18-Friday: Pine Nursery
Warm up drills, 3 x 5 minute brisk run around the park with easy 5 min run between. Watches come in handy for this workout. Cool down back to the start and do some stretching.
Hello Everyone,
Well, we’re here. What for some of you started in July is coming to a close. We’ve had a great season this year with a ton of lifetime bests, season bests and first time races. You’ve all worked hard to gain the fitness you currently have. Let’s finish off the season on a high note!
Monday – Easy 20-30 min run. 4×150 on the track. Stretching. Make sure you get good sleep tonight, and if you haven’t been already, make sure to be hydrating well and eating well.
Tuesday – Easy 20 min run. Strides and stretching. Time to get ready!!
Wednesday – Be sure to pack your uniforms the night before. Have everything ready to go in a bag before you get to school. We’re going to take our official team photo at the race before the girls Varsity needs to go warm up. So, make sure you have your uniform on or can get it on very quickly on the short bus ride over to Redmond.
Race Schedule:
1pm: Girls Varsity
1:30pm: Girls JV
2:10pm: Boys Varsity
2:40pm: Boys JV
We’ll have more info for you Monday at practice about excuse time from school. We will be taking the bus to the meet, but there isn’t a bus coming back, so you need to have your ride back from the race arranged.
Thursday – Day off
Friday – Boys Varsity workout after school.
Next week:
End of the year Dessert Banquet is next Tuesday, November 1st @ 6:30pm in the Commons at school. We’ll supply all the ice cream, desserts, and toppings. Families are encouraged to come. It will be a nice way to say goodbye the XC season and hopefully wish some athletes well at the State meet.
Hey Everyone,
It was a good race on Friday despite not hitting the times everyone was hoping for. Based on all the times, it was a tough race. We’re looking at a week to get some fine tuning in, let our bodies recover while not hitting the brakes completely.
This week’s schedule:
Monday, 10/17 – 4pm @ MV. Head to Pine Nursery for the workout. Back to MV for stretching.
Tuesday, 10/18 – 4pm @ MV. Easy 30-60 min with short weight/medball workout.
Wednesday, 10/19 – 2:30pm @ MV. Track workout.
Thursday, 10/20 – Easy 20-40 min run with short medball workout.
Friday, 10/21 – Meet at Shevlin Park at 4:25pm for a fun Fall colored easy/medium run. You will need to get a ride there, so find someone to carpool with at some point during the week. Runners will be done around 5:30/5:45.
Saturday/Sunday – Get out for a short run one of the days and throw in 4×100 pickups in the midst of the run.
Next Week:
Monday & Tuesday are easy runs with a bit of speed to spark the muscles, and then we race on Wednesday.
Wednesday: Bus to Redmond loads @ 11:00am. You’ll be excused @ 10:45. Varsity Girls race @ 1pm, Varsity Boys @ 1:30pm, JV Boys @ 2:40pm. If your parents are taking you home, we need a note or Remind text.
Hey Everyone,
Great work Saturday! Who doesn’t love running with goats in the colors of fall. It may seem weird, but we’re ramping up for the end of the season this next week as we head to our last race before districts. We’re still going to keep the foot on the gas these next two weeks and try to sharpen our fitness.
This Week’s Workouts:
- Monday 10/10 – 4pm @ MV. Head to Al Moody Park. 3 x 800, 5 min rest, 3 x 800. Core and stretching back @ MV.
- Tuesday 10/11 – 4pm @ MV. 30 minute easy run. 4 x 150 pickups.
- Wednesday 10/12 – 2:30pm @ MV. 15 min warm up jog. 400, 3 min rest, 300, 2 min rest, 200 @ faster than race pace.
- Thursday 10/13 – 4pm @ MV. 20 minute easy run. 4 x 150 pickups.
- Friday 10/14 – Loading the bus ~9am. First race is the Girls race at 2pm. You will need to go to your 1st period class until you’re excused to go to the bus. Be sure to bring your Cougar Pal gift to school with you. We’ll be getting dinner on the way back again, so bring money for snacks and BRING A LUNCH. You’ll want to eat on the bus before we get there. Weather looks warm, but bring layers anyway. This course has seen some fast times, so if you’re looking to PR in the Valley, this is a great chance to do it. We’ll be home around 8pm-8:30pm. Check in with teachers and get work from Canvas before you leave school so you can do some work on the bus.
- Girls Varsity @ 2pm
- Boys JV @ 2:30pm
- Boys Varsity @ 3:30pm