Author Archives: Cara Duval

Week 5

Two races under our belts at Stayton this past Saturday. The course was real cross country: trails, up hill and down, stream crossings, single track. Not a course for fast times, but a 3K opportunity for the JV runners. Congrats all.

This coming Saturday is our first local XC meet at Caldera HS. We will be running against most of the Central Oregon schools. Do not plan to wear your spikes on this rocky course plus sidewalks at Caldera HS and Alpen Glow Park. There will be no bus transportation, so ask your parents or friends for rides. Please arrive by 9am. Coaches will need help putting up the team tent. First race is the JV Girls 5K at 10:00am.  The meet ends with Awards at 1pm. More details coming soon.

*Don’t forget to schedule after school appointments on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Monday and Wednesday are our our interval workouts and we need you all there for training.

September 11- Monday- 4:00pm– MtV XC Tree. We will head to Pine Nursery Park for a warm up, drills and workout around the row of pine trees near the canal. Put your water bottles in the back of Carol’s truck. A longer interval session is planned. There will be two workouts, so check the red notebook and run your paces with your assigned groups.  Please record times in the red notebook. We are working on strength and pace. Times are based on your current race pace. If the workouts seem too easy, perhaps you are not yet racing hard enough. Getting into race shape takes awhile, so be patient and keep working hard.

*Monday- 6:00pm-Parent meeting inside Mountain View HS. Room will be announced. If you cannot attend the meeting Carol will summarize the adgenda after the meeting. We will introduce coaches and  review the season. Questions are welcome.

September 12- Tuesday-4:00pm– MtV XC Tree. Overall an easy day with a run and right into the weight room as soon as you are done running.

September 13- Wednesday- 2:30pm Right after school early release- MtV XC Tree. We will head to Mountain View Park for drills, strides, an interval session and cool down back to school for some core and stretching. Please bring your water bottles and put them in the back of Carol’s truck for transport to the park.

September 14- Thursday- 4:00pm- MtV XC Tree. After drills we will go for an easy run and then head to the weight room. After the weight room we will do some core and stretching.

September 15- Friday- 4:00pm- MtV XC Tree. After warmup and drills we head out for an easy run. After the run head out to the track for 2 – 4 x 150m pick ups. Please work on changing gears every 50 meters.

*5:30 pmTeam Pasta Dinner– hosted by the Shockey family.  The dinner will be held at 63591 OB Riley Road.  We will send a reminder later in the week. Thanks to our hosts!

Frosh: salads, Soph: dessert, Juniors (A-L): bread, Seniors and Jr (M-Z): drinks.

September 16- Saturday- 9:00am or before arrive at Caldera HS- 60925 SE 15th Street. You can park on the west side of the school or on Caldera Drive. Do not park near the road crossing from Caldera into Alpen Glow Park. Expect the gates on the east side of the HS off 15th Street to be locked.

Races: JV Girls 5K- 10:00am, JV Boys 5K- 10:45am, V Girls 5K- 11:30am, V Boys 5K- 12:15pm, Awards – 1:00pm- to the top 10 in each race. Trophies will be presented to the top V and JV teams in each race.  There will be a trainer on campus on Saturday. There will be water and bars for the athletes at the end of the races. Please remember coaches will need help putting up and taking down the team tent.

September 17- Sunday-  Rest up, rehydrate, refuel, roll and stretch and get out for an easy run, walk the dog, bike, hike. And don’t forget your homework!

Reminders: Team- don’t forget your “Cougar Pals” gift for Saturday.

MtV Trainer has office hours at the school: M – Thurs, 2:30 -7:30pm.

Week 3 of Official Practices

We have gotten a lot done this past week and now it is time to start racing. Yahoo! Uniforms have been checked out, but if you missed getting a uniform, see Carol at practice. We also need your shirt size for a team shirt the captains are designing.

Wednesday workout at Drake went very well. Good job, team! We will continue to train in the mornings, as this has been the best time for decent air quality.

This week is a double race week. This is probably the only time this will happen this year. Prepare for Tuesday’s race the night before. Get everything ready to go the night before. Race uniform, warm clothes, socks, race shoes, water bottle, snacks and more. Don’t forget cougar pal gifts if you are participating. If you have questions on this, don’t hesitate to ask a captain at practice.

August 29- Tuesday’s Race
***The meet is at Juniper Golf Course, 1938 SW Elkhorn Ave, Redmond. With no traffic and you know where you are going, the drive is 20 plus minutes. There is no bus. Athletes you need to find your own rides to and from the meet. You will need to leave home by 5:30am! Girls race at 7am and boys 7:30am. There are a lot of rules for this race, including no warm up on the golf course, staying off the greens etc. We have to be finished and off the golf course by 8:30am, so the golfers can start playing.
***The golf clubhouse is offering a breakfast burrito and orange juice package for $11 each athlete. We will use XC team funds to purchase breakfast for those that are interested. Please see Carol at practice as she needs a head count for those interested in breakfast.
***The team coaches have to time their own team’s athletes and there will be no team scores calculated. Mountain View will use this race as a “time trial” to select the varsity teams (top 7) for Saturday’s races at Marist HS. This race is an opportunity for the team to get a preview of the course used for the October 24 5A Inter Mountain Conference XC Champs.
***We hope you can get out on the cart paths on the course to cheer your teammates.

September 2 – Saturday’s Meet
Load the bus at 5:30am in front of MVHS, Bus departs MtV at 5:45am sharp for the Marist XC Invite, 1900 Kingsley Road, Eugene. All athletes must ride the bus provided by the school. Pack your bags the night before- singlets, shorts, warm clothes, pillow and blanket ok for the sleep to Eugene. Pack snacks, juices, waterbottle, swim suit, towel, socks, race shoes, plus money for a Safeway stop on the return to Bend…….
Races: JVG at 9:45am, JVB at 10:30am, VG at 11:15am and VB at 12:00noon. The JV girls will need to focus on getting warmed up for their 9:45am race. All athletes are expected to cheers their teammates as well as prepare for their own race. The race course is all over the Marist Campus and finishes on the track. Coaches will have course maps. Top 7 from Tuesday’s XC race results will be entered as Varsity. The rest will run the JV races.
**After the meet we will load the team bus and head to Splash! from 1:45-3:30pm.
The XC fund will pay for your entry to this Springfield pool and water park. Bring money for our 20 minute stop at Safeway to get food and drink for the ride back to Bend. We should arrive back in Bend by 6:45pm. Please call your parents to remind them of MVHS pickup as we travel back through Sisters.
If you need to ride home with your parents from the Marist meet, parents need to text Carol to let her know you are leaving or give her a written parent note. Thanks.

Workouts for the week
August 26/27- Saturday or Sunday- Please get out for a run. Meet a friend. Pick a new park and go explore. We need to continue to get in better shape.
Plan plenty of rest, good meals, and stay hydrated. Keep your eye on the AQI. If we get several days of unhealthy smoke, try to find a treadmill to run on. Options include: Juniper, Larkspur and Planet Fitness.

August 28- Monday- 8:30am- Mountain View High School- Plan is to get out for an easy run and finish with 4 strides. We always start with our team drills. Last chance for Uniform pick ups.

August 29- Tuesday- 6:00am- Juniper Golf Course XC Preview race. See all the info above.

August 30- Wednesday- 8:30am- Mountain View HS- drills and an easy run to Pine Nursery, strides plus team stretching.

August 31- Thursday- 8:30am- Drake Park- Warm up run, drills, hill workout, team stretching.

September 1- Friday- 8:30am- Mountain View HS- drills and an easy run to Pine Nursery, strides plus team stretching.

September 2- Saturday- 5:30am- Marist XC Invite race. See info above.

Sunday, September 3 & Monday, September 4 (Labor Day)- Enjoy your rest and the long weekend, but consider getting out for an easy run, walk, bike, hike, swim as we will be back to training on Tuesday. 🙂

*****See the SportsYou reminder on Spike Days at FootZone: August 25-28! Take advantage of their discounts and get a new pair of trainers or spikes if you need them.

*****Reminder: We will start timing our XC workouts. Please get a watch/chronograph. This does not have to be a big expense. Walmart, for example, has simple watches with timers, starting at $10. A watch is valuable to time your workouts, plan warmups, and make it to the race on time.