Week Five 8/2 – 8/8:
Hey Cougs! Summer for me is coming to a close as I start teaching Summer School tomorrow, and time is flying by. Here are a few key things coming up:
- Registration is now open for Fall Sports. Please make sure to get signed up through the Athletics page for MV. You need to register, pay the Pay-to-Play & have a current physical on file in order to practice/compete. Wednesday, August 11th is the last day to register and be able to practice on the 16th when official practices start. If you’re not cleared by the 11th you won’t be able to practice.
- Official practices start Monday, 8/16 (two weeks away!!). We will be having those practices at 3pm and will be meeting at Mountain View near the “Cross Country Tree” across from the ticket booth of the football stadium. Please bring water!! It’s going to be hot.
- Mark your calendars for Saturday 9/4. We’re planning on doing a morning Black Butte run/hike and using ex-MV coach Peter Hatton’s Camp Sherman house as a base for a post workout BBQ. Details are still being worked out, so stay tuned.
- The race calendar is still being worked out as local meets will be our priority and we’re still waiting on some finalized dates of meets.
- Monday 8/2 – 8 am, meet at Al Moody Park for some intervals with a bit of a hill.
- 4-8 reps x Big loop tempo effort, small loop recovery. See map for the loops.
- The focus is on building speed endurance. Break the sets into smaller pieces. So, if you’re doing 4 reps total, start with 2 full reps and then take a water break and then finish the last 2 reps.
- Listen to your body when it comes to the number of reps. Set a goal, but be smart.
- Strength and Core
- Tuesday 8/3 – 30-45 min easy run on your own or with friends.
- Wednesday 8/4 – 8 am, meet at Goodrich Pasture Park as the meeting place for hills on Pilot Butte. Hopefully this will avoid any construction related issues.
- Saw blade workout using the 1/8th mile markings on the side of the road. Up two, down one. See my awesome graph w/o an X-axis.
- Thursday 8/5 – NEW!! 2 pm @ MVHS. 20 minute easy run followed by strength in the weight room. Should be done by 3:30pm.
- Friday 8/6 – 8 am, Drake Park by the stage. Loop to the top of Overturf Butte and back for strides and Ultimate if people want to play.