Week Three Practices 8/30 – 9/4

Hey Cougars,

We’re a week and a half from the start of school and inching closer to our first meet. You’ve all been working hard, and we’re impressed with the focus during workouts. This week, we’ll be heading out to Camp Sherman on Saturday to climb Black Butte and have some fun social time. For workouts, we’ll still be focusing on base miles, strength and keep dipping our toes into speed workouts.


Monday 8/30 – 3pm @ MVHS. Easy Run and strength.

Tuesday 8/31- 3pm @ Pine Nursery Park. Whistle Drills in the big field.

Wednesday 9/1 – 3pm @ MVHS. Head to Hollinshead park for some short hill repeats.

Thursday 9/2 – 3pm @ MVHS. Easy Run and strength.

Friday 9/3 – 3pm @ MVHS. Head to Al Moody for longer intervals.

Saturday 9/4 – Meet at MVHS @ 8 am to caravan up to Camp Sherman and Black Butte for a hike/run to the top and then back down the pool for some swim time and a BBQ lunch. Please let Coach Young know by this Wednesday if you can attend so that he can get the right amount of food. We should be heading back to Bend by around 2pm.

What to bring:

  1. Water, a decent amount and the easier to carry up the butte, the better
  2. A snack, either for at the top or shortly after we’re done at the parking lot before we head to the pool
  3. A swimsuit and towel for the pool after the hike.
  4. Sunscreen, a long sleeve shirt and a hat if you want one.

Sunday 9/4 – Rest day. Recover, hydrate and start to get ready for school!!