The Warner Pacific Meet was exactly what we thought it would be. Fast! We set 35 Personal Bests on the day! It was a great way to get some speed in the legs and go up against the best competition in the State. Thank you Parents that were out on the course in Portland cheering on the Cougs! Check out the Warner Pacific results below!
This week’s focus will be to recharge and make sure everyone is feeling strong and healthy before we go into the District Championship week. We have Central Oregon Relays on Wednesday, which will be a fun event for the team. We need volunteers to help with course management, So any parents planning on attending please let me know if you can help!
Let’s have a fun and focused off week from racing and recharge for next week heading into District!
Practice Schedule
Monday 10/15- 3:15pm @Mtn View: Workout. Create teams for CO Relays,
Tuesday 10/16- 3:15 pm @Mtn View: Easy Recovery Run. Core. Fun Team Activity.
Wednesday 10/17– Central Oregon XC Relays @3pm Pine Nursery.
Thursday 10/18- 3:15pm @Mtn View: Recovery Run to Pine Nursery and help with Middle School Relays.
Friday 10/19- 3:15pm @Mtn View: Light Team Workout. District Goal Setting
Saturday/Sunday- Easy run one day. Rest day the other. Try and meet with Teammates for your run!
Go Cougars!