Week 14 (9/24-30)

What a great weekend in Seaside! We had an awesome showing at a very big meet. We placed well as a team and had 6 top 10 individual finishes in our division. There were 80 teams in attendance and each race had over 300 runners! Check out the results from Saturday below. Thank you to all of the parents who helped with carpooling to and from Seaside. Without your help we would not have been able to make this trip work with one bus! You guys rock!

This week we have two different meets on the schedule. We have Nike Portland XC for the varsity squads and the Madras Invite for the JV Squads. Both meets will be fast and competitive and everyone should get back in time for Homecoming! We will also be helping out at the Sky View Middle School meet at Pine Nursery this Thursday for practice. We will run over to the park and help with the meet until it is over. We may be ending practice a little later than usual. Probably around 5:30pm. This is another great opportunity for our team to connect with the middle school runners. Be sure to where your Mountain View XC gear!


Seaside Results: https://www.athletic.net/CrossCountry/meet/142222/results

Girls team- 4th place

Bosy team- 5th place

Cole Shockey- 4th place

Wyatt Goff- 8th place

Levi Pichardo- 9th place

Max Lehr- 10th place

Brooke Cummings- 8th place

Emily Moore-10th place


Team Dinner:

This week our team dinner will be at Isaac Hall’s house on Friday 9/28 after practice. Address: 2840 NE Rainier Drive

Freshman: Bread

Sophomores: Dessert

Juniors: Salad

Seniors: Drinks


Practice Schedule

Monday 9/24- 3:15pm @Mtn View: Workout @Pine Nursery. Seaside Awards

Tuesday 9/25- 3:15pm @Mtn View: Easy Recovery Run 4-6 miles. Strength/Core

Wednesday 9/26– 3:15pm @Mtn View: Fartlek Workout

Thursday 9/27– 3:15pm @Mtn View: Run to Pine Nursery and help at Sky View XC meet. Practice may end later than normal.

Friday 9/28- 3:15pm @Mtn View: Easy Run 3-5 miles. Strides

Saturday 9/29– Madras Invite (JV) Depart TBD and Nike Portland XC (varsity) Depart @4:30am (yikes!)

Sunday 9/30– Rest day!


Go Cougars!