We had a great first week of mandatory practice. Everyone worked hard and made it through some hot days and one rainy one! Lots of team spirit and positive attitudes during hard workouts. Just a glimpse of what will be a great season!
Looking ahead at the forecast for the week, we have decided to have all practices this week at 8 am to minimize the risk of heat exhaustion. One or two hot days are fine but it’s supposed to be pretty hot all week. If you can’t make it to practice due to the time change, don’t worry. Just let me know and I’ll give you the workout for the day. We will move back to 4pm the following week, but figured we would try and stay out of the heat with the warmer forecast.
Practice Schedule
Monday 8/26– 8am @Mountain View. Easy aerobic run with strides.
Tuesday 8/27– 8am @Moutnain View. Inter-squad 3k time trial.
Wednesday 8/28– 8am @Mountain View. Shorter recovery run. Fun Day!
Thursday 8/29– 8am @Moutain View. Longer aerobic run with strides.
Friday 8/30– 8am @Moutain View. Cruise Ks
Pilot Butte Middle School XC Camp
Pilot Butte Middle School will be having their annual XC camp on August 26th-29th from 3-4:30pm. They would like to have Mountain View XC athletes there to help out at the camp each day. Please let me know if you can help and which days you can be there. This is a great opportunity to represent MVXC and connect with younger xc runners who may be a Cougar XC athlete someday! Be sure to wear MVXC gear at the camp.
Mountain View XC Team Store: The store closes Monday 9/2 at midnight! Get some sweet Mountain View XC gear for friends and family. Check it out and represent the XC program at meets! A portion of the sales will also go to the XC program. https://mountainviewxc2019.itemorder.com/sale
Footzone Spike Days-8/28: %20 off shoes and spikes for student athletes. This is the last one of the season!