Hey everyone,
Our first practice is right around the corner! So, I just wanted to outline the practice schedule and locations for the week. Practices will start at 3:30pm and will typically end around 5pm.
We have Pine Nursery reserved for the team to use for practices during the season, so we will be meeting there or Mountain View depending on the day/workout. Checkout the schedule below and make note of the practice locations.
Practice Schedule Week 1
Monday 2/22- Mountain View @3:30pm
Tuesday 2/23- Pine Nursery Park @3:30pm (meet at picnic shelter)
Wednesday 2/24- Mountain View @3:30pm
Thursday 2/25- Pine Nursery @3:30pm (picnic shelter)
Friday 2/26- Pine Nursery @3:30pm (picnic shelter)
Other important items before practices start
- If you haven’t registered for XC yet, please do so ASAP. It will be under Fall Sports in Family ID: https://www.familyid.com/organizations/mountain-view-high-school
- All athletes will need this new covid-19 liability waiver signed and brought to practice. Waiver-of-Liability-for-COVID-19-Student-Sport-or-Activity OHA form revised for BSD 2.16.21 v3 (1)
- Don’t forget to bring your mask!
- Bring warm clothes for before and after practice. It is still winter! I recommend wearing leggings or running pants to practices, so you have the option to workout in them if it is really cold.
- We will be doing a QR Code check in for contact tracing. So, you will need a phone for checking in and checking out. Not a requirement to bring your phone, it just makes the process much faster.
I am really looking forward to getting the team back together and to finally say we have made it to the Cross Country season! This will be a quick season, so let’s bring our best effort and attitude to every practice and make this season count!
I’ll be sending out more in-depth details on the season itself soon, but just wanted to focus on this first week to start out. See you all soon!
Go Cougs!