XC Update 8/10-8/16

Hi everyone,

As most of you have seen or heard, the 2020 XC season has been pushed back to late February. The season will go through late April just in time for the Track season. There are still a lot of details to be worked out and a lot of questions to be answered, but at least we now know that we will have a cross country season. Here is the link to the OSAA article with the details of the changes to sports seasons. http://www.osaa.org/today/article/1797/view?title=OSAA+adopts+New+2020-21+School+Activities+Calendar

Moving forward for this week, we will plan on meeting on Tuesday and Thursday not necessarily for the sake of training but to get the team together, get a nice run in and enjoy hanging out (from a distance). With the season now being so far out, we will be dialing back structured workouts and focusing on running for fun maintaining a solid base. Continue to run easy mileage by feel on the days we don’t meet. I will update everyone as I get more information in regards to what practices might look like moving forward and what this Fall might offer running wise. Check below for Tuesday’s and Thursday’s meet-ups!

         Meet-up Locations

Tuesday 8/11- Pine Nursery @8am.

Thursday 8/13- Mountain View @8am


Go Cougs!