This week brings us to our 2nd week of mandatory practices and our first race of the 2018 season! With the Cougar Kick-off this Monday and Tuesday I have moved Practice to 3:15pm those days so More people can make practice. The rest of the week we will meet @8am to beat the heat. At this point we should have a majority of the team making it to practices. If you know you are going to miss practice for a legitimate reason, please let me know. I know people are still on vacation and it is still Summer so just keep me in the loop. Also, if you know you are not going to be able to make it to the Meet on Saturday please ket me know. We need to get a number so we know how many buses we need.
Check out the info below for all of the happenings this week!
MVXC Fan Gear
If you want to support the team and get some cool Cougar XC gear for a good price check out this link! A percentage of each purchase will go back to the Mountain View XC team fund. The store will only be open through Sunday 8/26 so get your orders in this week!
Parent Meeting
- We will have a Parent meeting Wednesday 8/22 @6pm in the Mountain View Cafeteria. This will give parents a chance to meet the coaches and chat about expectations, Meet schedule, etc.
Pilot Butte Middle School XC Camp
Pilot Butte Middle School will be having their annual XC camp on August 27th-30th from 3-4:30pm. They would like to have Mountain View XC athletes there to help out at the camp each day. Please let me know if you can help and which days you can be there. This is a great opportunity to represent MVXC and connect with younger xc runners who may be a Cougar XC athlete someday! Be sure to wear MVXC gear at the camp.
Team Dinner
We will have our first team dinner this Friday before the meet at the Swenson’s @5:30pm. They will be providing Spaghetti while each athlete that attends will bring a dinner item. Each grade is assigned to the items below. Address is 63310 Old Deschutes Road.
Freshman- Bread/rolls
Sophomores- Salad
Juniors- Drinks
Seniors- Dessert
Jere Breeze Memorial Ranch Stampede:
Our first meet will be a fun and challenging one! We will be leaving Mountain View @ 6:30am on Saturday and plan to arrive back around 1:30pm. Be sure to bring your race gear, a change of clothes, and extra snacks. The Girls race will be at 8:30am and the boys race will be at 9:10am. There is an open race at 9:50am for any parents or family interested in racing!
Practice Schedule
Monday 8/20– @3:15pm Mountain View: Run to Pine Nursery for Cruise Miles
Tuesday 8/21– @3:15pm Mountain View: Easy run around Pilot Butte followed by Strength.
Wednesday 8/22– @8am Mountain View.
Thursday 8/23– @8am Mountain View: Easy recovery run. Uniforms handed out.
Friday 8/24- @8am Mountain View : Short easy run with Strides. Pre-meet Team Dinner 5:30pm @ the Swenson’s
Saturday 8/25– Jere Breeze: Depart Mountain View @6:30am Return around 1:30PM.
Go Cougars!