Cougar XC Athletes & Parents –
Great job at yesterday’s meet in Oregon City! We had some great performances and enjoyed running a new course. We are disappointed the smoke kept us from visiting Silver Falls but it will be something to look forward to for next year! Here are this week’s announcements:
Three Course Challenge – Seaside
We will leave on Friday for the Three Course in Challenge and return Saturday evening. Please be at the MVHS Bus Loop at 7am on Friday with running gear on. Our trip itinerary is attached to the weekly email. Remember to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, towel, toiletries, several pairs of running clothes and normal clothes. You will also need a sack lunch for Friday (or money) and money for dinner on Friday, Lunch on Saturday and Dinner on Saturday.
Please keep in mind you can have no excused absences this week to join us for the trip to Seaside.
Our girls team will be making tie dye shirts to wear during the race. Please bring $5 to a team captain to help buy supplies on Monday or Tuesday and a white t-shirt to spray on Wednesday after practice. The boys team will be wearing the old jersey tops (white).
End of Season Banquet –
Its crazy to start talking about the end of the season but it will be here before you know it! We are 13 weeks into our 20 week journey to the State Meet. We have an end of season banquet every year to recognize accomplishments and reflect on our season, and this season it will be hel the evening of Sunday, November 5th starting at 5pm. More details to come, but mark your calendars in the meantime!
Practice Schedule –
All practices are now from 3-5 PM at Mountain View unless otherwise noted – meeting in Bohlein’s room (D8). This schedule is tentative and assumes clear air conditions. If smoke persists next week we may drive off-campus for some practices or continue to practice indoors.
Monday – 4-8 800 meter repeats at Goal Pace on MV Track. Hospital Loop Warmup & Cooldown
Tuesday – Pilot Butte Base Trail with Summit Trail Add-On for Varsity runners. Watch MS Race at Pilot Butte afterward.
Wednesday – 5-4-3-2-1 out on Canal & Jog Back
Thursday – Larkspur Trail
Friday – Team Run on the beach in Seaside
Saturday – Three Course Challenge, Seaside
Sunday – Rest Day